22 - 23 June 2025
O2 Manchester

Sophia Hilton | Talent | HairCon

Sophia Hilton

Named by her fans as the ‘queen of colour’ Sophia is one of the most in demand educators in the UK.

Owner of the world famous Not Another Salon she has online education being sold in 52 countries worldwide, helping hairdressers learn practical things they can actually take back to the salon. It’s not just the creative side she loves, it’s the business! 

‘It’s all very well going to a course and seeing something really creative but if you can’t use it back with your clients then what’s the bloody point?’ 

Creative yet practical, Sophia kick started her colour career by winning the the L’0real Colour Trophy. She now has many accolades to her name including Creative Head’s Colour Expert of the Year three times in a row meaning she can no longer enter and is put into the hall of fame with a Legend Award! @hiltonsophia